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Surat Climate Change Trust (SCCT)

Surat Climate Change Trust (SCCT) is a city level public trust registered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 (Registration No. E-7266/Surat) with its office at City Engineer’s Office, Surat Municipal Corporation, Main Office, Muglisara, Main Road, Surat, Gujarat – 395 003.

SCCT is promoted by multiple city and state level stakeholders led by Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC). It includes members from various institutions including Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority (GSDMA), Narmada, Water Resources and Water Supply Department (NWRWS), South Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industries (SGCCI) and Academic Instructions (SVNIT and CSS). SCCT is one of the first city level multi-stakeholder trusts in India with the following objectives:

  • To engage in policy addressing problems arising out of urbanization and climate change;
  • To facilitate capacity building of City of Surat to address challenges of urbanization and climate change and facilitate / prepare a Roadmap to face these challenges;
  • To take steps for mitigation of natural calamities like floods and to manage emergencies;
  • To support and to undertake interventions that increase resilience of vulnerable sectors and communities in the society to the adverse impacts of urbanization and climate change.

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