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Net Zero: Heritage for Climate Action – Call for Proposals

If you are an organization, looking to capture the potential of culture and heritage to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while managing risks of disaster and/or conflict for vulnerable communities and their heritage, join the First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) programme of ICCROM and its partners in a transformative journey.

Net Zero: Heritage for Climate Action is an 18-month (July 2022 – 31 December 2023) multi-level capacity development project, which aims to advance culture-based climate adaptation, greenhouse gas reduction/mitigation and enhance preparedness while coping with loss and damage, as well as acting for peaceful and just transitions. 5 host institutions will lead transformative change at 5 innovation sites in 5 different regions suffering from acute environmental stresses, visible in the form of frequent extreme hazard events and/or climate-driven conflicts. The project will foster an inclusive and participatory action to reduce vulnerability to climate change, safeguard heritage and secure livelihoods of the vulnerable communities, through multi-sectoral cooperation and integrated action. It will comply fully with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Proposals are invited from institutions and organizations which:

  • have a proven track record of working with communities (especially vulnerable groups) and successfully implementing projects on cultural heritage safeguard, sustainable development, disaster risk reduction and/or climate action.
  • are highly motivated to promote culture-based climate action, disaster risk reduction and peace building.
  • are working in areas suffering from acute environmental stresses visible in the form of frequent extreme hazard events and/or climate-driven conflicts.
  • are able to work across sectors, engage their respective local governments and enlist other partners.
  • have the capacity to use the seed grant and commit additional resources to complete all phases of the project.
  • Have the ability to amplify the results at each innovation site by meaningfully engaging youth and young professionals.

To be considered for selection, we invite interested organizations to share their project ideas by filling in the project proposal template and sending it to [email protected]. Proposals should clearly outline the following:

  • What are the major climate-related risks to the local populations and their cultural heritage?
  • How some of the most visible impacts are threatening peace and resilience locally?
  • Which cultural resources, knowledge and practices could help reduce these climate-related risks and promote peace and resilience? Describe how these resources and practices could contribute to peace and resilience?
  • Resources that you will be able to commit for the implementation of the project. This can include funds and the number of personnel and volunteers (if applicable) assigned to the project team.
  • Upon completing the project, how would you build on the outcomes of the project?
  • Share examples of community and/or culture-based past projects that your organization has successfully implemented. Include a short paragraph explaining the objectives and outcomes of the project(s).

In support of your application, you may share maps, documents and photos via WeTransfer or Google Drive.

After the selection, agreements will be signed between ICCROM and the institutions responsible for the respective innovation sites, followed by awarding of the seed grants. These grants will be split in 4 instalments and distributed during Phase 1 and Phase 3 of the Project.

Read more about the project, watch the launch video, and read the full call for proposals!

The deadlinefor applying is May 7, 2022.

We aim to post all comments and forum posts, but will not post anything that we consider unrelated  to the topic under discussion. Your comment will be reviewed before publishing.

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