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University of Notre Dame

About the Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development (NDIGD)

The Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development (NDIGD) combines the existing teaching and research faculty of the University with a dedicated staff of experienced researchers and administrators, integrated across multiple disciplines. They work to address the challenges of building just and equitable political, legal, economic, health, and civil structures in fragile nations that suffer from extreme poverty or are experiencing insecurity due to armed conflict or war.

The University addresses these complex challenges through interdisciplinary research, assessment, monitoring and evaluation, training, and strategic planning to offer a holistic approach to global development through NDIGD, including the following areas of expertise:

  • Commerce and Economic Development
  • Education
  • Energy, Environment, and Sustainability
  • Global Health
  • Governance and Rule of Law
  • Human Development
  • Infrastructure
  • Security and Peacebuilding

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