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The in green, waterloo in purple and foundation in green with a purple asterix above the i

The Waterloo Foundation (TWF) is an independent grant-making Foundation. We are most interested in projects that help globally, with particular focus on the disparity of opportunities, wealth and the unsustainable use of the world’s natural resources. To that end, our main programmes support:

  • World Development– supporting people and communities to build the basis of sustainable prosperity within developing countries, through their access to sexual and reproductive health services, excellent nutrition, high-quality education and clean water, sanitation and hygiene systems.
  • Environment – support for projects which counter damage to the environment, especially human-caused effects, through increasing marine fish stocks and protecting tropical rain forests.
  • Child Development–support for research, knowledge dissemination, and small Wales-based intervention projects about certain child development conditions.
  • Wales– support for organisations working in Wales which provide support for unpaid carers, increase employment opportunities or address educational inequality.

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