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Mali-Folkecenter’s mission is to promote the sustainable management of natural resources and the use of these resources to catalyse local economic growth & sustainable development by working in partnership with rural populations and local entrepreneurs.

Activities include: environmental protection, provision of clean energy services to meet the needs of rural and un-served areas using renewable energy technologies, drinking water supply, technology transfer and the training of local technicians, and delivery of enterprise development services for rural companies in the clean energy sector. MFC also participates in energy & environment policy work with the Malian government.

Since 2009, the MFC has been organised into three programmes: Local Economic Development, Good Governance and Decentralisation, and Environment, Energy and Climate Change. MFC has also elaborated its 5 year plan for years 2009-2013 with specific objectives and intervention areas, designed to meet the needs of MFC’s most important partenrs – the rural and peri-urban populations with which we work.

Click here to download MFC’s latest brochure describing a range of current activities!

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