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The Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD)is a subsidiary body of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. IFDD’s mission is to initiate and support capacity building initiatives at the national level and to promote partnerships in the fields of Energy and Environment.

Within the framework of its Energy and its Environment Programs, IFDD’s actions are subdivided into four priority areas:

  • Technical and administrative training for executives and professionals working in IFDD’s two fields of expertise. In general, IFDD organizes short high level seminars and workshops.
  • Specialized information and communication products. A number of different types of publications are produced: bulletins and newsletters, a journal – Liaison Énergie-Francophonieand specialized books.
  • Field projects which are designed as pilot demonstrations and as ways to facilitate the appropriation of adequat technology and tools for sustainable development.
  • Promoting partnerships,using an approach that brings into play all the potential partners by mobilizing Francophone institutions and experts, by networking and by supporting co-participation of all stakeholders. IFDD maintains close links and collaborates with all the major international organizations involved in sustainable development issues.

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