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Endorsed by the UNFCCC Secretariat, ECOS is an international network-of-networks for climate literacy, engagement, action & learning hives. It is open to all individuals and organizations that want to help build community capacity to minimize climate risks and maximize resilience.

Recognized by the UNFCCC just prior to COP22 as a new community with relevant status to participate in the formal UNFCCC process, ECOS was soft-launched in early November 2016 in Marrakech and has continued as a volunteer-driven effort with regular meetings and a Facebook group page since then.

Inspired by existing UNFCCC Constituencies, particularly youth-focused YOUNGO, ECOS aspires to serve as a “network of networks” to add innovative value to existing organizations and initiatives, serving as a clearinghouse for information and ideas for increasing climate literacy and action from within and beyond the UN system.

Using a theory of change based on an ECO-system model— first differentiating between and then integrating climate education, communication and outreach strategies, drawing upon the robust evidence base on research related to each of these three overlapping domains–the ECOS logical framework will help in mapping inputs and activities to their outcomes and ultimately the intended impacts: a global community working together to achieve climate action on local to global scales.

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