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Our main goal is to link policy and practice in European development and international cooperation and to act as an independent broker between Europe, Africa and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP).

ECDPM is a “think and do tank”

Established as an independent foundation in 1986, the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) has a strong reputation as a non-partisan, strategic “think and do tank”. This means we:

  • Share policy analysis and information to key audiences in both Europe and the developing world. Relevant, timely and practical we are always on the pulse of international cooperation
  • Facilitate policy dialogue amongst global actors in development and international relations
  • Provide practical and tailored policy research and independent advice
  • Support capacity and institutional development for government and non-governmental organisations
  • Engage for the long-term with the policy processes and adopt a long term perspective to development

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