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Children and women Development Center in Cambodia (CWDCC) is a Non-Profit and local Non Governmental Organization, bases in Kampot Province, and was registered with the Ministry of Interior in 2005. CWDCC main approach to development is to empower communities to work collectively to improve the overall wellbeing of community people, focusing particularly on women and children.

The mission of CWDCC is to enhance people’s capacity and right to obtain sufficient food security, improve gender equality, education and health, focusing particularly on women, Children and vulnerable families such as the poor, handicap and PLHA. Furthermore, to support community’s rights to manage their own natural resources. These will be done through collaboration between local government experts and NGOs.

CWDCC works on the following issues:

  • Health and Wellbeing of Women and Children
  • Gender and Domestic Violence
  • Children Education
  • Community Food Security
  • Good Governance
  • Community based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM)

And has programmes in Ecotourism and Mangrove Restoration.

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