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OPEN call – Scoping and design for taking forecast-based early action to scale

The Met Office has published a call for competition, inviting submissions for a DFID-funded WISER (Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa) project entitled ‘scoping & design for taking forecast-based early action to scale’. The objective of this project is to build evidence to support forecast-based early action through a review of existing forecasting capabilities and links to finance triggering for early actions in a range of different contexts and, through this process, to identify and rank potential opportunities for scaling up the approach. This will form the basis for the development of detailed concept notes for the implementation of the approach at the large scale in a small number of prioritised focal studies. It will also generate evidence and best practice that could be shared more widely.


For more information or to apply for this opportunity, visit the Met Office e-tendering portal


WISER is funded by the UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID). The WISER programme’s mission is to deliver transformational change in the quality, accessibility and use of weather and climate information services at all levels of decision-making for sustainable development in Africa.

WISER will:

  • Focus on service delivery, directed by user needs, which support poverty reduction and development;
  • Work holistically to inform climate risk decision making bringing together research, policy and practice;
  • Work with regional, national or sub-national plans, which have involved users; and
  • Work through existing and mandated organisations and channels where possible and appropriate.

The Met Office acts as Fund Manager for the East Africa part of WISER, including the provision of technical leadership, future programme development, programme oversight and by managing sub-grants of funds.

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