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Essential Socioeconomic Variables in Mountains Survey

On behalf of the GLOMOS team and GEO Mountains:

During last year’s International Mountain Conference, we held a workshop to gather experts’ feedback and input for the GEO Mountains Task Group 2.3. The objective of the Task Group is to identify Essential Socioeconomic Variables (ESVs) required for understanding and monitoring key global change processes in mountain social-ecological systems.

Through two previous workshops, we have developed a list of candidate ESVs. We are now opening this list up to the wider mountain research and other stakeholder communities, particularly those working with socioeconomic data, for feedback and final ESV additions. Your valuable input will help ensure good geographic and disciplinary representativeness. All feedback is welcome.

The deadline for submissions to help complete the list of all potential variables is Friday 14 April.

For further information and to fill out the survey go to the GEO Mountains website.

Source: Christian Vasile

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