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Climate change adaptation in coastal areas of developing countries – SURVEY for PhD research

Dear collegues, I am Sylvia Lima and I am a PhD student at Victoria University of Wellington conducting research in climate change adaptation in coastal areas of developing countries. I am trying to reach out to as many researchers and practitioners as possible in the field of climate change adaptation to get a reasonable number of respondents for a survey that is part of my research. The survey has been clear by the Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee (approval #0000027792) and all relevant information is detailed below. The survey is anonymous and respondents will remain unidentifiable. Thank you very much for your consideration. The link for the survey is:

Research Project: Success in adapting coastal zones of developing countries to climate change-induced impacts


You are invited to take part in this survey. Please read this information before deciding whether or not to take part. If you decide to participate, thank you. If you decide not to participate, thank you for considering this request.

Who am I?

My name is Sylvia Lima and I am a Doctoral student in Environmental Studies at Victoria University of Wellington. This research project is work towards my dissertation.

Wh​at is the aim of the project?

This project seeks to understand success criteria and evaluation for climate change adaptation projects implemented in coastal zones of developing countries funded through multilateral organizations. This research has been approved by the Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee (project approaval #0000027792).

How can you help?

You have been invited to participate because of your experience and knowledge of climate change adaptation strategies. If you agree to take part you will complete a survey. The survey will ask you questions about your opinion and perception of climate change adaptation success and aspects of monitoring and evaluation of adaptation strategies. The survey will take you about 15 minutes to complete.

What will happen to the information you give?

This survey is anonymous. This means that nobody, including the researchers, will be aware of your identity. By answering it, you are giving consent for us to use your responses in this research. Your answers will remain completely anonymous and unidentifiable. Once you submit the survey, it will be impossible to retract your answer. Please do not include any personally identifiable information in your responses.

What will the project produce?

The information from my research will be used in PhD dissertation and academic publications and conferences.

If you have any questions or problems, who can you contact?

If you have any questions, either now or in the future, please feel free to contact either me or my supervisors. If you have any concerns about the ethical conduct of the research, you may contact the Victoria University HEC Convenor. Please see all contacts below.


Human Ethics Committee information

Sylvia Lima

Dr Judith Loveridge

Victoria University of Wellington

Victoria University HEC Convenor

School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences

Victoria University of Wellington

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: +64-4-463 6028

Supervisors’ contacts:

John Overton

Judy Lawrence

Professor and Programme Director, Development Studies

Senior Research Fellow

Victoria University of Wellington

Victoria University of Wellington

School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences

Climate Change Research Institute, School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: +64 04 4635281

Phone number: +64 04 463 9601

We aim to post all comments and forum posts, but will not post anything that we consider unrelated  to the topic under discussion. Your comment will be reviewed before publishing.

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