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Call for proposals: Anticipating Climate Hazards: Deadline February 10, 2017

Call for ​proposals on ​climate change ​preparedness ​ Deadline: February 10, 2017

The UN Secretary-General’s Climate Resilience Initiative: Anticipate, Absorb, Reshape (A2R), in collaboration with the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence’s Climate CoLab, has launched a challenge on ​”​Anticipating Climate Hazards​”​ and building climate resilience. A2R is a global, multi-stakeholder initiative, launched in November 2015 to accelerate action on the ground to enhance climate resilience for the most vulnerable countries and people by 2020. The Anticipating Climate Hazards contest invites proposals on how the world should prepare and respond to climate extremes and climate hazards. It calls for ​a ​wide range ​of ​innovative ​and ​practical ​​solutions ​​– on the ​​local, national ​​and international ​​levels – ​​that can help ​​strengthen ​​early warning ​​and early ​​action in ​​vulnerable ​​communities ​​around the ​​world. ​ ​T​he contest’s Judges’ Choice Winner will receive an expenses-paid trip to present their work before the A2R Leadership Group. Submission deadline: February 10.

To learn more, ​view:​ ​​http://​​climatecolab.​​org/contests/​​2017/A2R-​​Anticipating-​​Climate-​​Hazards

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